Praxis II Government/Political Science (5931) Subject Assessments
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The Praxis II Government/Political Science Exam is a certification test taken by aspiring educators from various states who are interested in teaching political science and government matters. Exam passers are granted certifications that allow educators to practice in the chosen state as an audiology educator. The exam has five different sections and each part covers one of the fundamental subjects: United States Constitution; United States Government: Federal, State, and Local Institutions; Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; United States Politics; and Comparative Politics and International Relations.
Eligibility for Praxis II Government/Political Science (5931) Exam
To be eligible to take the Praxis II Government/Political Science Exam, applicants should hold a bachelor degree from any state or national university. Each state, however, has different passing criteria hence examinees should consider acing the particular section where the state requires higher marks in. In the event that the examinee should fail to pass the exam, he/she is given the chance to retake the exam but only after a period of 30 days.
Format of Praxis II Government/Political Science (5931) Exam
The Praxis II Government/Political Science Exam is composed of 120 multiple-choice questions and examinees are given 2 hours to attempt the exam. These questions are grouped into four different categories that correspond to a topic on government/political science. These categories are: United States Constitution; United States Government: Federal, State, and Local Institutions; Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; United States Politics; and Comparative Politics and International Relations. This test may contain some questions that will not count toward your score.
Syllabus of Praxis II Government/Political Science (5931) Exam
The United States Constitution section of the exam covers: major political theorists and their contributions to the foundations of the United States government; context of United States constitutional development; the evolution of the United States government from the Articles of Confederation to ratification of the United States Constitution; the constitutional principles of limited government, including popular sovereignty, separation of powers, and checks and balances; the rights protected by the Bill of Rights; process of amending the United States Constitution; enumerated, reserved, concurrent, and implied powers of the United States Constitution. This section has approximately 26 questions contributing to 22% of the total score.
• The Federal, State and Local Institutions section of the exam covers: federalism and the relationship between national, state, and local governments; structure and functions of the executive branch, including presidential qualifications and roles; structure and functions of bureaucracy in the United States; structure of the legislative branch, including leadership and committees; process by which a bill becomes a federal law; major structural and functional differences between the Senate and the House of Representatives; separation of powers and the application of checks and balances by the three branches. This section has approximately 34 questions contributing to 28% of the total score.
• The Civil Rights and Civil Liberties: Landmark Court Decisions section of the exam covers: difference between civil rights and civil liberties; impact of the Fourteenth Amendment on the development of civil rights and civil liberties; history of and contemporary debates on civil liberties in the United States; history and contemporary debates surrounding civil rights in the United States; separation of church and state, as well as court decisions and controversies surrounding religion; significant civil rights laws. This section has approximately 19 questions contributing to 16% of the total score.
• The United States Politics section of the exam covers: structures and functions of political parties; historical development of the two-party system; role of third or minor parties; advantages of incumbency in re-election campaigns; core beliefs held by the two major parties; differences between political parties and interest groups; characteristics and functions of interest groups and the effects of those characteristics and functions on the political process; historical development and expansion of voter eligibility in the United States and its impact on the political process. This section has approximately 24 questions contributing to 20% of the total score.
• The Comparative Politics and International Relations section of the exam covers: different political systems; characteristics of economic systems; relationship between political development and economic development; relationship between national governments and supranational governments; how domestic politics and constitutional principles affect international relations; effects of globalization on international relations and state development; basic concepts of nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, and militarism. This section has approximately 17 questions contributing to 14% of the total score.
Alternative Help from Praxis II Subject Matter Experts
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