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Short Term Rental Cleaning Secrets

Discover the Secrets of the short term rental cleaning


If you happen to be in hospitality business and doing a short term rental, then you probably came across one of the most common issues that many guests often complain about.... 

Cleaning quality of your hideout (property, house, home, short term rental, you name it...)

What you are about to read next is how to overcome the quality cleaning issues in a way that will reduce chances of getting negative reviews from guests just because one of your cleaners didn't do a good job cleaning your hideout.

So how do you keep your cleaners honest?

The answer is simple, get them to work based on bonus structure. Make them aware of the fact that any time guest mentions that the property was very clean, then they would get a bonus.

Also create a raise structure where cleaners would get a ladder based raise, and give them additional perks.  For example give your cleaners bonus to stay in your place for 5 days every 3 months free of charge.  In exchange for making sure that the place stays very clean.

When you hire your cleaners be mindful of the fact that they are not mind readers.  Hence create check list showing most of the problematic areas that requires most attention.

Do this, give this guide to your handyman and train  your handyman to do these cleaning tasks, this is far more efficient than hiring a cleaner. 

First Check List

Second Check List

Third Check List

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