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BioBooster™ Biology 5235 Pretest
About our Pretest
Our BIoBooster™ Pretest is your first step in preparing for your Praxis II, Biology 5235 Content Knowledge Certification Exam. Developed and offered to you by the educational professionals at Tutoring Services, LLC, our BioBooster™ Pretest was created by biology experts to ensure that the topics and content you need to review are presented in a realistic format. The Praxis II assessments are teacher certification exams administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS(r)). Each state requires a different combination of Praxis II exams for certification. Your state's board of education may require content knowledge and pedagogy exams. To learn more about your state's testing requirements, go to www.ets.org/praxis/states.
Content of our Pretest.
Our BioBooster™ Pretest is composed of 150 questions of the type and format you may encounter on your certification exam. Like the actual certification exam, our BioBooster™ Pretest covers the following topics: ·Nature of Science (21 questions, 14%) ·Molecular and Cellular Biology (30 questions, 20%) ·Genetics and Evolution (30 questions, 20%) ·Diversity of Life and Organismal Biology (30 questions, 20%) ·Ecology (24 questions, 16%) ·Science, Technology, and Social Perspectives (15 questions, 10%)
Goals of our Pretest.
After completing our BioBooster™ Pretest, you should: ·Know your level of general biology content mastery ·Be able to map out your further exam preparation activities
Format of our Pretest.
Our BioBooster™ Pretest is presented to you as a mock-Praxis II, Biology 5235 Content Knowledge exam. Like your certification exam, our pretest is an automatically timed event. You will have 2.5 hours to complete the 150-question assessment. Your final score will be calculated based on the number of correct answers against the number of questions attempted. [ETS(r) does not penalize you for incorrect answers. Therefore, it is best to answer all 150 test items.]
About our BioBooster™ Diagnostic Study System.
This pretest is one part of our complete BioBooster™ Diagnostic Study System developed for you and offered to you by the educational professionals at Tutoring Services, LLC. Our complete BioBooster™ Diagnostic Study System includes: 1. Biology 5235 Content Knowledge Pretest 2. Biology Basic Concepts & Definitions (1000+ downloadable slide presentation) 3. Detailed Study Guide (with memory hints, study tips, and video tutorials) 4. Online tutoring (available as a separate purchase) 5. Biology 5235 Content Knowledge Post-test